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Arduino Programming Tutorial

In this tutorial, we'll cover the basics of Arduino programming, focusing on variable types , functions , function return types , and constant declarations . We will use simple examples to demonstrate how each concept works. 1. Variables in Arduino Variables are used to store data that your Arduino program can use. There are different types of variables based on the data they store. Common variable types: int : Stores integer values (whole numbers). float : Stores decimal numbers. char : Stores a single character. boolean : Stores true or false . String : Stores a sequence of characters (text). Example: int ledPin = 13 ; // Integer variable to store LED pin number float sensorValue = 0.0 ; // Float variable to store sensor value char myChar = 'A' ; // Char variable to store a character boolean isOn = true ; // Boolean variable to store true/false String myText = "Hello" ; // String variable to store a string 2. Constants Constants a

BJT vs. MOSFET: Understanding the Key Differences

  When it comes to semiconductor devices, BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor) and MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) are two of the most commonly used transistors. They both play a critical role in amplifying or switching electronic signals, but their underlying principles and applications are quite different. In this post, we’ll explore the fundamental differences between BJT and MOSFET to help you understand their unique features and decide which one to use in your project. What is a BJT? A Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) is a current-controlled device that has three terminals: Collector (C) , Base (B) , and Emitter (E) . BJTs can be either NPN or PNP types, depending on the arrangement of their semiconductor layers. BJTs work by using a small current at the base to control a larger current flowing between the collector and emitter. How BJT Works: Current-Controlled : In a BJT, the amount of current that flows from the collector to the emitter is controll

Getting Started with Arduino Programming: A Beginner's Guide

Arduino programming is an exciting entry point into the world of electronics and coding. Whether you want to build robots, automate tasks, or create innovative gadgets, Arduino makes it accessible to beginners and enthusiasts alike. In this guide, we'll walk you through the basics to help you start your Arduino programming journey. What is Arduino? Arduino is an open-source electronics platform that allows you to create interactive projects. It consists of both hardware (the Arduino board) and software (the Arduino IDE) for writing code. The most popular Arduino board is the Arduino Uno, but there are many others, like the Nano and Mega, tailored for different needs. 1. Gather the Essentials Before diving into programming, you’ll need: Arduino Board: You can choose an Arduino Uno, Mega, or Nano based on your project. USB Cable: For connecting your board to the computer. Breadboard & Jumper Wires: To test circuits easily. Electronic Components: Such as LEDs, resistors, sensors,

AI Technology & Medical Service Integration is very Essential for Whom?

For whom AI and medical services have become urgent?  the name of the country, Bangladesh may come upstairs in response to the question. Bangladesh is a very important country in South Asia and most of the sides of this country are surrounded by the Indian border. According to the data published the  year of 2018  in the UK-based medical and public health magazine Lancet, Bangladesh is ranked 133rd among 195 countries in respect of medical and health services. Not only in Bangladesh but financially underdeveloped or developing countries the quality of medical care is weak. Getting these skilled doctors also becomes difficult. On the other hand, Bangladesh's position in the production and export of drugs is at the top of the underdeveloped country, but according to data obtained by 2020, Bangladesh was ranked 72nd in global drug exports. Although Bangladesh has achieved a lot of supremacy in the production of medicine, it is viewed, but it is far behind in medical care. Today's

Embedded system programming & development interest is becoming more popular

  Over the years there has been a growing interest in embedded systems development and programming as part of science technology and computer research. Due to the obligation to present a project or research in science in many schools, colleges, or universities, this subject is becoming necessary and acceptable day by day. In most cases, science projects are gaining importance as electronics and embedded system programming. This is because of their easy availability and the availability of lots of information on the Internet. photo: Arduino board, an example of an embedded board  Arduino Board is a top choice for beginners of electro-embedded designers because of this less complexity and availability of lots of resources online. easy and attractive beginning to an embedded programming platform is Arduino.  to be continued...  writer: Repon Sheikh 

Students' interest in science fair is increasing

At present, students are becoming interested in science fairs at the school and college levels. photo credit :

Communal harmony is declining in Bangladesh

In recent decades, religious and communal ties have been downgraded almost everywhere in Bangladesh, from villages to cities. to be continued ...