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Showing posts from August, 2023

AI Technology & Medical Service Integration is very Essential for Whom?

For whom AI and medical services have become urgent?  the name of the country, Bangladesh may come upstairs in response to the question. Bangladesh is a very important country in South Asia and most of the sides of this country are surrounded by the Indian border. According to the data published the  year of 2018  in the UK-based medical and public health magazine Lancet, Bangladesh is ranked 133rd among 195 countries in respect of medical and health services. Not only in Bangladesh but financially underdeveloped or developing countries the quality of medical care is weak. Getting these skilled doctors also becomes difficult. On the other hand, Bangladesh's position in the production and export of drugs is at the top of the underdeveloped country, but according to data obtained by 2020, Bangladesh was ranked 72nd in global drug exports. Although Bangladesh has achieved a lot of supremacy in the production of medicine, it is viewed, but it is far behind in medical care. Today's