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Electric vehicle and potential Bangladesh


Analyzing different ways, it seems the number of local and Chinese tech-based electric vehicles increasing incessantly. Although there are quite a few differences between the vehicles used in Bangladesh and the electric vehicles used in the developed world, there is some critical adequacy, notable among them is fuel economy. The core of this topic will be a comparative discussion of why vehicle types are changing rapidly, including fuel efficiency.


The worldwide electric vehicle market is constantly increasing day by day. All are anxious about climate change, ice is melting quickly, and the level of seawater is becoming higher and higher which can inundate many places of the world. Bangladesh is one of the most notable victims countries during the climate crisis Although this country has no responsibility in this regard. Scientists have identified that the main cause of climate change is the excessive emission of co2 gas though Bangladesh has the lowest role as less than 1% of total emission co2 worldwide but is increasing. 

photo: pedal-driven ricksha 

In the context of Bangladesh: 

transportation system and the interest of the people of Bangladesh are changing day by day. 

Once upon a time, a pedal-driven rickshaw was the most popular vehicle for the local transportation system and another vehicle named the baby taxi has the biggest role to transport long-range significantly higher than a pedal-driven rickshaw. 

The seating capacity of the pedal-driven rickshaw was 2 people excluding the driver and the number of the wheel was 3. The driver can control the engineless vehicle by controlling the front side single wheel direction. The oil engine-based baby taxi has 3 wheels but the seat capacity was 6 to 8 without a driver. 

photo: oil engine-based baby taxi 

There was no way to compare a pedal-driven rickshaw with an engine-based baby taxi. baby taxis played an important role in terms of their speed and seat capacity except for air pollution. 

In the evolution of time, Foot-powered rickshaws and oil-powered baby taxis are no longer seen. Due to polluting air, the Bangladesh government first banned the oil engine-based baby taxi in 2003 in Dhaka. 

Also, oil engine-based baby taxis had a significant amount of sound noise pollution. However after the ban on baby taxis, first in 2006, CNG engine-based Indian vehicles appeared in Bangladesh, Like previous vehicles also this vehicle has only 3 wheels but changed in seat capacity, speed, and low transportation cost also. Limited air pollution was another good point comparatively at that moment. 


photo: CNG based three wheeler ricksha 

CNG engine-based vehicles become more popular in local and district-to-district transportation systems but at a higher speed with 3 wheeler, this vehicle often falls into deadly road accidents. Sometimes it can't be controlled in balance at more than 70 km/hour to turn left or right. 

CNG is still popular because it is a relatively reliable vehicle for long-distance travel. The long-distance here means 200 to 400 km. But nowadays, in terms of short distances, battery-powered 3-wheelers are more popular than CNG rickshaws. This is because there is no noise, no air pollution, and easy handling. 

Now let's briefly look on Battery driven easy rickshaws or vehicles. There are approximately two types of battery rickshaws that have appeared on the road. The main difference in seat capacity and battery with motor capacity is important here. Some of the vehicles are based on lead acid batteries which are required maintenance regularly. Lead acid-based battery-powered vehicles are accused of spreading harmful gas at the moment of charging. And another type of battery power rickshaw has a maintenance-free battery based which is comparative seems better in terms of dangerous gas emissions. 


Writer: Repon Sheikh 


to be continued ...


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